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Car brands


Ferrari Roma 2020 Teaser

Zeytoon classic furniture

Zeytoon classic furniture

Milad tower revolving restaurant

Milad tower revolving restaurant

Rasch Iran Official Agency

Rasch Iran

Cetra Group

Cetra Group

Amiran furniture

Amiran furniture

Ferrari Roma 2020

Article about Ferrari Roma 2020 Teaser with pictures and teasers

The Ferrari Roma uses Ferrari's 3.9-liter V8 turbocharged engine to produce 620 horsepower and 760 Nm of torque. The maximum power is generated at 7,500 rpm, while the maximum torque between 3,000 and 5,750 rpm will be constant.

Watch the Ferrari Roma 2020 teaser:

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[Building stone production]
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[Construction of luxury residential complexes]
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Sport cars articles and teasers

Top 10 best sport hatchback 2018

Top 10 best sport hatchback 2018

Get acquainted with the world's top 10 sports hatchbacks in this teaser, and you'll see closely their exterior and interior design that we hope you enjoy....

Porsche 911 Turbo S 2021

Porsche 911 Turbo S 2021

The new generation Porsche 911 for 2021 will be produced with the Turbo S version as before, with a top speed of zero to 100 km / h in 2.7 seconds. The car will cost around $ 203,000....

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Reference Reference: Lifestyle Articles

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