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Telephone +982191003440 - Cellphone +989353029001

Building Brands


Telephone+982191003440 Cellphone+989353029001

4 Nastaran Residential Complex 4 Nastaran Residential Complex 4 Nastaran Residential Complex 2 Nastaran Residential Complex
www.loginbrands.com/en/teebaco in other language(s):  شرکت ساختمانی تیبا به زبان فارسی Tiba İnşaat Şirketi Türkçe شركة تیبا للانشاءات باللغة العربية

Tiba construction company

Construction of luxury residential complexes

Tiba Construction Group started its activity in the field of construction in 1993 under the management of Haidar Abtan.

Employing specialized and efficient engineers and architects, implementing new and creative designs in architecture along with the use of first-class and luxurious materials, has been the strength of this group.  In a way that now, after years of activity in the field of construction, he has recorded outstanding and impressive works in his record, which is known as Nastaran buildings.

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

Teeba Construction Co

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

3 Nastaran Residential Complex

3 Nastaran Residential Complex

3 Nastaran Residential Complex

3 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

2 Nastaran Residential Complex

1 Nastaran Residential Complex

1 Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

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5 Nastaran Residential Complex

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5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

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4 Nastaran Residential Complex

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5 Nastaran Residential Complex

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5 Nastaran Residential Complex

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5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

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4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

4 Nastaran Residential Complex

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4 Nastaran Residential Complex

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5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

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Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

5 Nastaran Residential Complex

Management Management: Eng. Heidar Abtan
Telephone Telephone: +982191003440
Fax Fax: 
Cellphone Cellphone: +989353029001
Website Website: 
Social Networks Social Networks:     Follow us on Instagram
Address Address: Niavaran - Tehran - Iran
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