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Telephone (+9821) 22635783 - Cellphone (+98) 9121007107

Building Brands


Telephone(+9821) 22635783 Cellphone(+98) 9121007107

Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone Implementation Luxe Building Stone
www.loginbrands.com/en/luxestone in other language(s):  لوکس استون به زبان فارسی Luxe Stone Türkçe شركة لوکس استون باللغة العربية

Luxe Stone

Execution luxuries of all stone and ceramic for building surfaces

BS. civil engineering
The founder of ” LUXE STONE ”
Established 2009.

In our company we implement all types of stones and ceramics in the exterior or the interior of a building.
We believe in durability and the beauty of our performance.
We also believe that our job is an art.

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Implementation Luxe Building Stone

Luxe Stone projects Teasers:

Management Management: Eng. Alireza Lalinejad
Telephone Telephone: (+9821) 22635783
Fax Fax: 
Cellphone Cellphone: (+98) 9121007107
Website Website: www.luxestone.ir/en
Social Networks Social Networks:     Follow us on Instagram   Join us on Telegram
Address Address: Unit. 1, 1st Floor, No.21, Khalilpour Dead End, Shariati St., Tehran, Iran
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Register Register Date: 12/29/2018
Visit Visit: 1940

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