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Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture Dogtas Turkish Dining Set Dogtas Turkish Dining Set Dogtas Turkish Bed Set Dogtas Turkish Bed Set
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Dogtash Turkish furniture

Turkish furniture manufacturer

The story of Doğtaş begins in a 80-square meter workshop in Biga, a district of Çanakkale, in 1972. The company was founded by Ali Doğan, and then run by his six sons. The six brothers took an important step for growth and assuming a corporate identity by founding Doğtaş A.Ş. after Doğan Furniture, itself founded in Biga. The company has maintained its efforts to grow and develop its corporate organization as well as investments in branding.

Increasing its popularity in many prestigious locations around the world with powerful business partners and 1,500 employees, today Doğtaş is one of the most prominent players in the furniture industry with more than 200 concept stores in Turkey and abroad.

Taking part in people's lives, accompanying them in their lives with a wide product range including bedroom, child and teenager room furniture, and state-of-the-art mattresses, the design of Doğtaş is in people's lives. In fact, its products witness every moment in a person's life. The company enhances its CRM infrastructure to better understand the demands and needs of those who get married, are renovating their house or need small decor work, and to support them in creating the living spaces that they desire, because the company thinks that it is not enough to simply meet customers' furniture requirements but that it is also necessary to support them and give recommendations for the atmosphere they want to create in their homes.

From the material to the fabric, color to design, Doğtaş products give people freedom to have the combinations that they desire in their living spaces. Reflecting years of experience and expertise, the company's designs are presented in 300 fabric and 35 wood color options.

Doğtaş has stood out since its foundation with the innovations, trailblazing efforts, steps taken for unity and solidarity in the industry, and the value that it gives to the design and designers.

Beyond the status of a company that just manufactures and sells furniture, Doğtaş is a brand that aims to add pleasure to customers' living spaces and offer solutions tailored to their needs, to make life easier, to be a leader, and to be asked for opinions.

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Modern Furniture

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Dining Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

Dogtas Turkish Bed Set

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Telephone Telephone: +902164250002
Fax Fax: +9002164250008
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Website Website: www.dogtas.com
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Address Address: İdealtepe Mah. Rıfkı Tongsir Cad. No: 107 (E5 Karayolları durağı Petrol Ofisi yanı) Küçükyalı / Maltepe / İstanbul – TÜRKİYE
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